22th October Friday was a good day also a bad day. That day was my friend's birthday, I had to go to her birthday party but I didn't get permission from the residence because I went to the badminton club that is on friday. I left the school at 5:30 but I had to arrive the party at 6:00 so I go straight to the party and didn't go back to residence first. However, we had a good party and I also enjoy it. It was really fun. We went back to residence at 12:30. We were late for the curfew about an hour. We were caught by the hallmaster. In that moment, we thought we were not going to get the punishment because no one talks about the case of us. But after two days, the head of our hallmaster came to find us. She said that was a really bad decision to go to our friend's party that without permission because we had to go to the trip that go to watch the ice hocky but they didn't mention any thing about this trip before. Finally because the trip was already paid, so the head of the hallmaster needed us to write a promise letter to show us are regret and grounded us for a week. That punishment was a really damn thing because we can't leave our room in that period, we have to get the permission from hallmaster before doing anythings includ go to study room. That really sucks. We were so angry about that because they didn't tell us about the trip before and blame on us without any proof and still give us punishment. I admit that we were late to back to residence but the consequence doesn't have to be that much.
2010年11月1日 星期一
My friend ( Charles )
Charles is my neighbor he just lives beside my home. We are a good friend. He is a easy-going person. He loves to hang out with friends. He likes to know more friends too. I remember the last summer. I was to make an appointment with my primary school friends. We all have a good friendship so we are still having contact to each other. Charles was not the same class with me in the primary school but he still loves to meet with my friends. However, he knows well with us. We always hang out together.;He also good at music, badminton. I like to play badminton too. So we always go to the club that is nearby our home to play badminton. Sometimes we play video game. I enjoy to play with him. We have many same hobbies. He is my best friend ever.
2010年9月26日 星期日

An important export commodity, coffee was the top agricultural export for twelve countries in 2004, and it was the world's seventh-largest legal agricultural export by value in 2005. Some controversy is associated with coffee cultivation and its impact on the environment. Many studies have examined the relationship between coffee consumption and certain medical conditions; whether the overall effects of coffee are ultimately positive or negative has been widely disputed. The method of brewing coffee has been found to be important to its health effects.

Those information are from wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coffee
Anyway, coffee is a popular drink over the world. Coffee has many different taste and type. It is fit to everyone. Drinking coffee can make you to reinvigorate. It has many different flavours. Some type of coffee are expensive, but some are not. I love to drink capuchino , the taste is sweet. ^^~ GDGD
王維 送別(Send-off)
下馬飲君酒 問君何所之
Dismount and go drink with Mr. Mr. the liquor to ask Mr. where it
君言不得意 歸臥南山陲
Mr. says is not self-satisfied turns over to lie Mt.
但去莫復聞 白雲無盡時
Nan frontier But goes not duplicate to hear the white clouds inexhaustible time.
I like this poem because this poem is telling us about send-off when we have to leave your friends. He goes drink with his friend because he wants to stay with his friend some more time. That shows they have a very deep friendship. And he also ask his friend where is he going. He knows his friend have to leave and give him a comfort. He is sad because his friend has to leave, but he doesn't want his friend to worry about him, instead give comfort to his friend. The meaning of this poem in chinese is very meaningful. 2010年8月29日 星期日
My habit
I like to watch movie. It is a good hobby during your relax time.When I have not things to do, I would like to watch movie. The picture is a movie that I like to watch. It called Avatar.
Hi~ my name is Arthur.I am from Hong Kong.I was a bad student, I didn't any homework. But now I am trying to be better.Then, I love to play sport. Badminton is my favourite sport. Sometimes I also play computer.
My Home Country
This picture is showing my home country- Hong Kong. It is a good place for every woman because it is a good shopping place. There has many shopping mall in Hong Kong. You can go buy things anywhere. It also has a good view, there has a very beautiful sky line.
2010年8月22日 星期日
Can eating too healthily make you ill?
She wanted to have a good look so she became a vegetarian at 15. Soon she became a vegan. She gives up anything that came from animals and doesn't eat salt, sugar and no processed. She kept losing wirght and got ill with frequent bouts of flu. She has no enough energy most days. So that we should not have a too healthily diet. It won't make you feel good. It just make you ill.
She wanted to have a good look so she became a vegetarian at 15. Soon she became a vegan. She gives up anything that came from animals and doesn't eat salt, sugar and no processed. She kept losing wirght and got ill with frequent bouts of flu. She has no enough energy most days. So that we should not have a too healthily diet. It won't make you feel good. It just make you ill.
My U.R.L
I like this website because it can make a lot of friends. And it also can talk to your friend whenever you want. It is easy to use and you will like it.
I like this website because it can make a lot of friends. And it also can talk to your friend whenever you want. It is easy to use and you will like it.
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